How to Get an IDNYC Card
Above is an example of an IDNYC identification card.
New York City offers local identification cards to all New York City residents 10 years of age and older, regardless of immigration status. An IDNYC card can be used to access city government buildings, schools, libraries, and public services. IDNYC cards may be presented to law enforcement and employers as valid proof of identity, though it does not confer work authorization. They may also be used at certain financial institutions to open bank accounts and at participating businesses to receive applicable discounts for city residents. IDNYC cards are provided free of charge, however a $10.00 fee is charged to replace a lost or stolen card.
To apply for an IDNYC card, you may fill out an application online or at an enrollment center. Enrollment centers are located in each borough. After completing your application form, you must schedule an appointment to enroll in IDNYC. Appointments are made available each week on Friday. You will receive a confirmation receipt after making an appointment. Print this receipt and present it upon arriving for your appointment at the enrollment center.
To receive an IDNYC card, you must provide documentation proving your identity, date of birth, and New York City residency. At least one document must include photo identification. Only original and unexpired documents are accepted. Bring these documents to your appointment at an enrollment center. Here is a list of accepted documentation. Staff providing translation are frequently available on-site at enrollment centers.
The card will feature your photograph, name, date of birth, signature, eye color, and height. Each card will have its own unique ID number. Since the card is valid for two years for applicants 10-15 years of age, and five years for applicants 16 years of age and older, the IDNYC card will also display an expiration date. You can choose whether or not to include your gender, emergency contact information, whether you would like to be an organ donor, and your preferred language. If you are a U.S. Veteran you can have “Veteran” printed on the front of your IDNYC card.
The card will show your home address unless:
You are age 10-13 and opt out of displaying your address;
You are a student living in college or university-managed housing who receives mail at a separate school-based location;
You are a survivor of domestic violence and have security concerns about your address appearing on the IDNYC card;
You live in a residential care program operated or overseen by HRA’s Emergency Intervention Services for the purpose of providing shelter, services and care to survivors of domestic violence;
You participate in the New York State Address Confidentiality Program; or
You lack a home address or reside in a shelter that has a maximum length of stay of no more than 30 days.